This page last changed on Dec 03, 2007 by sewilco.

Install GeoServer

There are three ways to install GeoServer.  The appropriate one depends upon the operating system or container (such as Tomcat) which will be used.

Windows Install

How to install GeoServer on Microsoft Windows with the installer (.exe).

War-File install

How to install GeoServer into servlet containers such as Tomcat, Jetty, and Jboss.

CentOS (Red Hat) 5.1 Install

How to install GeoServer on CentOS 5.x (also valid for Red Hat 5.x), including Postgresql with Postgis support.

Binary Package Install

How to set up GeoServer with the binary distribution package (-bin version) for Mac, Unix, and Windows platforms.  This is used for manually installing the files and  running GeoServer as a Java program without a wrapper such as Tomcat.

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:27